Friday, 3 April 2020

The objective of an optical reflectometer (OTDR)

The objective of an optical reflectometer (OTDR) is to detect, locate and measure elements anywhere along a fiber optic link. Location information relating to loss and reflective events is generated. Technicians can thus know the characteristics of the fiber at the time of the test. With an OTDR, use leader / end coils to qualify the connectors at each end.

 A leader coil is connected between the tester and the fiber under test, and the end coil is connected to the other end of the fiber optic link. Please note: the optical fiber used in the starter and end coils must be identical to the fiber tested (type, size of the core, etc.).

Finally, proper planning and preparation are basic best practices for testing fiber optics. To make the fiber tests as efficient and precise as possible, you can also clean and test the equipment beforehand, check that it is calibrated, and above all check that it is equipped with the functions that will be useful in the field.

Fiber optics: broadband Internet everywhere, for everyone
Thanks to the development of broadband, we have long forgotten the noise of a modem that connects and the slow connection that accompanied it. With the deployment of fiber optics, the quality of Internet connection is taking a leap forward. What is it and how does it work?
Broadband and very high speed connections have made communications smoother and faster. By transporting data at the speed of light, on a light signal conducted in a glass or plastic fiber thinner than a hair, optical fiber allows a throughput approximately 100 times higher than the ADSL network! This light signal can transport data over very long distances, almost without loss.

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